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Our distinguished judges
We are pleased to present, in alphabetical order, our distinguished panel of judges judging our 8-9 March 2014 show.
Harley DeVilbiss
I am an Approved Allbreed judge and have been judging in TICA since 2003. I have judged over 47,000 cats at over 300 shows in all regions of TICA all over the world.
I started showing with my parents in the early 1990's with Manx and Cymrics under the cattery name MinusDeTails. With their success came an increased desire to be involved in the association.
My mom was already a judge and became president of TICA. My parents' love of TICA and their love of showing world-renowned Cymrics and Manx rubbed off on me so I decided to follow my mom's lead and become a judge.
I decided to distinguish myself from their show career and struck out on my own with British Shorthairs and HMS Brits was born. I have enjoyed great success with my British and continue to breed and show still today. I believe in showing and judging as it keeps me grounded and constantly learning about my breed as well as being able to readily speak with exhibitors about their own breeds.
Vickie Fisher
Vickie Fisher is President of The International Cat Association and an All Breed Judge and Ring Instructor. Vickie was a long-time Maine Coon breeder under the cattery name Coonquest. While officially "retired", Vickie's time is dedicated to the cat fancy, her work as President of Albuquerque Kennel Kompadres, a fundraising organization benefiting the Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department, her husband of 44 years, Larry, and her four-footed children.
Anneliese Hackmann
At time of my birth in my family lived a white Persian tomcat. But, how it was usual in formerly times, he was given away when I was born, although my mother was fascinated of white Persians. I remember, that during my school time also a white Persian was our favorite. Later we had many different other domestic animals.
The first own Persians I bought on a cat exhibition, a blue-cream Persian-girl. I became enthusiastic about her, but in spite of that I didn‘t want to breed yet. Only many years later I started breeding. But on this way I became acquainted with the ”cat scene”.
First I bred Persians, then in addition Siam and Oriental Shorthair. A breeder, who lived in the former German Democratic Republic asked me for buying one Birman in France for him. I did it! However I was immediately so fascinated by this cat, who was almost one-year old that time, that I kept her myself. Instead of that cat I gave the breeder a nice kitten. That was the beginning of my Birman breeding. I bred Birman for many years, and I did it with great pleasure.
At last I bred some litter German Rex. I became acquainted with the race when my husband fetched some cats at the airport which couldn‘t be taken along with to USA. Of course I searched for a new home for the poor cats. But some of them I kept by myself because I was so enthusiastic about the kindness and about the wonderful characteristics of the German Rex. In Lanzarote canarian island I found another cat, which has got fit gene to my German Rex cat, and for a while we experimented with household pets and bred German Rex.
Now I am judging already since 30 years., I am All Breed Judge. Through this activity I became acquainted with almost the whole world.
Before some years, when I couldn‘t exhibit my cats anymore, because they had reached already all titles which were possible, I had get more time and something was a little bored, therefore I accepted a function in the ”cat scene”. First I was member in the German cat federation ”1. DEKZV” and performed some offices. up to the Vice President. Some time later I left the club.
Then I set up a new club named ”Deutsche Edelkatze”, which is an independent federation in Germany. I am still president of this club. At the same time I performed still some offices in the Fife. I was chairman of the judge- and show commission. I had a hard work to do, which was a good preparation for my future as a functionary.
18 years ago I founded the World Cat Federation in Rio de Janeiro. Also here I am performing the office of the president.
Next to my other tasks I wrote some books, among other things of one, about Birman. I was working at some Video Production and at last I helped at the preparation of a CD-Rom with the title”All about cats”.
I believe those ones were the most important stops of my ”CAT-LIFE”.
Now I have only 1 neutered cat. He adopted me at my holiday resort in Lanzarote. I do not breed anymore because I am too much on travel and have too few time conditional through my different tasks in the associations which I must process.
Adriana Kajon
Adriana Kajon was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where she grew up and received her early education.
Adriana has an undergraduate degree in Biochemistry from the University of Buenos Aires, and two Ph.D.s in Virology, the last of which she obtained in Sweden in 1995. She is currently doing research on respiratory viruses at the Lovelace Respiratory Research Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
She shares her home with Singapuras, which she is presently breeding under the prefix Truecolours.
Although cats had always been part of her life, Adriana started participating actively in the Argentine cat fancy in 1981 after several years of breeding and showing Doberman Pinchers, including the first Doberman ever to go Best In Show in Argentina.
In 1988 Adriana became an Allbreed Judge for Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe). In 1991 Adriana joined TICA, entering the Judging program in 1992. Adriana is currently an Approved Allbreed Judge, Ring Training, and Judging School Instructor, Genetics Instructor, and member of TICA’s Genetics Committee. She is a member of the Enchanted Cat Club in Albuquerque.
Jean Marc Legarde
I am a 54 years old nurse and have been in the cat fancy for 30 years.
I bred Persians (blue and color point), Siamese and Orientals. For the past 15 years, I focused on breeding Abyssinian. My work was rewarded by the great honor of breeding TICA's Best Kitten of the Year twice.
I am the President of the Cercle Félin du Languedoc (www,CFL-club.com)and a charter member of Cats French Lovers. With the support of a great team, I had the honor to put on big and successful shows in my region in the south west of France. These shows combine traditional LOOF judging and TICA judging.
I am also the Vice President of Ticked Cat Club TICA club in England, a member of LOOF, member of the breed committee and of course an allbreed
TICA judge.
Chris Lowe
I fell in love with Blue Persians at a young age and it was not long before I wanted to get involved in the breeding of these beautiful cats, and I was lucky enough to be mentored by Joyce Peace (Lynndell Cattery). Now breeding Exotics & Persians predominantly Bi-colours with will established lines which have bought some wonderful show moments for me and my daughter, including Best in Show at a number of National Shows.
NZCF Role:
All Breeds Tutor Judge
Executive Council Secretary
World Cat Congress Delegate
In 2010 I was honoured to receive Life Membership of the NZCF
Club Affiliation: Currently President of Patches & Pointed Inc (an all breeds club specialising in broken coloured cats) pleased to say that this is a very successful and innovative club (first to hold a dinner show – a concept that other clubs are now working with).
Judges Training: In 1979 I entered NZCF Judges Training Programme and qualified as Longhair Judge in 1981 extending my license to all breeds in 1989. I went onto breed Siamese & Orientals – at that time you had to actually breed in the division that you were seeking a judge’s licence in. A short time after qualifying this requirement was removed. I however have never regretted the involvement in another breed and as you can imagine the difference between a Persian & Siamese was rather diverse to say the least with Siamese & oriental babies opening their eyes at 4 days and clambering out of their nest box by the time they were 7 days old compared to the rather sluggish Persian who would rather remain as long as possible in the security of the box and mum of course.
International All Breeds Judging: I thoroughly enjoy the judging scene, the forward thinking of exhibitors working with improvement of lines and of course the interaction with exhibitors and cat lovers from all walks of life. I have judged in most Australian States, The Netherlands, South Africa, United Kingdom and I am really looking forward to a Guest Judge assignment with TICA in the USA in 2014.
Barbara Ray
TICA Judge of Merit
TICA Approved Allbreed Judge
Licensed in 1990
As a child I always had cats and would rescue and love any stray cat or any cat nobody wanted. Later, in my teens I adopted a spayed Maine Coon Cat and she was with me for 15 years. Through her, I became fascinated with the breed and later began Willowplace Cattery.
Maine Coons were very much a minority breed and my main purpose at that time in going to cat shows was to introduce people to my wonderful breed and promote the breed. Of course I had the marvelous privilege of seeing all of the cats at every show which was very enjoyable to me. The first few years I showed Maine Coons they were virtually unknown outside the US and not very well known even to spectators here in the US.
I bred my first TICA Top-Twenty International Winner in 1983 and enjoyed exhibiting all over the US and Europe. Over the years Willowplace has had continuous TICA Top Twenty Interrnational Winners and Top Winners in many other Associations throughout the World. I placed the first breeding pair of Maine Coons that were shown in Japan in TICA in 1988. Upon the request of Aline and Philipe Noel, I took show Maine Coons to Europe in the 1980's for breeders that the Noels recommended. By that time the Maine Coon Breed was on the way to becoming one of the most popular breeds throughout the world.
Larry Paul and Gloria Stephens, respectively past President and Judging Administrator of TICA, encouraged me to become a Judge. For the judging program I worked with Siamese, Persian, Manx, Sphynx and American Shorthair. Some of the best experiences of my life have been made possible with making friends, working with breeders, and judging over the world.
Today my time is divided with family, judging, a small breeding program with Maine Coons and I am an Antique Dealer (Willowplace Treasuresy).
We owe so much to our Founders who had the vision of what makes our Associations what we today enjoy and experience. Keep coming and bringing new people and we will all continue to grow.
Eric Reijers
Mr Eric Reijers was elected in July 2011 as President for a two year period. Mr Reijers has also previously served as Vice-President of the WCC. He is the General Secretary of FIFe and an all breed FIFe judge.
Mr Reijers, who comes from the Netherlands, now lives in the Czech Republic and breeds Cornish Rex under the prefix of NL*Pendragon
Jan Van Rooyen
BREEDING: I have been breeding Burmese since 1989. My cattery name is ZION. I also bred a few Tonkinese litters over the years. The Lilac Burmese is my passion and I bred the first Lilac Supreme Champion Burmese in 1995. She was SP CH Zion Princess Zona. A few cats of my breeding qualified for COTY over the years and I am very proud of our lilac girl, SP CH Zion Amandla who was third in 2001. I am also proud to state that I assist improving the type and eye colour in Burmese when I imported cats from Australia. I encouraged a few other breeders to do the same and today Burmese are winning Best in Shows all over the country.
JUDGING: I started the first judging course in 1995 and qualified for the Foreign Group of cats in 1997. I then went on to qualify for the Long Hair Group in 1999, Medium Hairs in 2001 and become an All-Breeds judge in 2002.
- President of SACC for 2008 to 2011
- Treasurer for the Southern Africa Cat Council (SACC) from 2000 to 2007 and again from 2012.
Edith-Mary Smith
Edith-Mary Smith has been a member of The International Cat Association (TICA) since its formation in 1979. She has been an Allbreed Judge since 1988, and is a Ring and School Instructor. She has judged in Canada, the USA, Mexico, South America, South Africa, Japan, Russia, and throughout Europe. Edith-Mary has judged many times in Australia and New Zealand. In 2005, she judged the World Cat Congress show in Christchurch. She was a member of the TICA Board of Directors from 1994 to 2004.
She attended her first cat show as a little girl of five and raised British Shorthairs for many years under the cattery name Smith Avenue. She has shown British Shorthairs, Maine Coons and household pets throughout various regions in TICA. Her special interests lie in educating the public in the care of household pets and in promoting neutering and spaying.
Her British blue tortie, Quintessa Bedmole, won three international awards, including Third Best International Alter in 2002.
Edith-Mary and Barkus, a rescued brown tabby, appeared on her television show Cat Chat, which aired weekly for five years on Manitoba Access Television. Barkus died close to his 19th birthday.
Edith-Mary lives in Brandon, Manitoba—near the geographic centre of North America and close to the border with the United States. Her husband is a Professor of Mathematics at Brandon University. Edith-Mary began training in classical singing when a child, and has a B.A. in Music and a B.Sc. in Zoology from the University of Alberta.
Wayne Trevathan
Born in New Zealand and lived 1 year in England, 3 years in Sydney, 8 years in Canada where I did my University work at U of Toronto in education, before moving to the USA in 1978.
First exposed to cats when in Sydney..took a Burmese with me to Canada.
I became a judge with the Canadian Cat Association in 1976 and thereafter went to CFA where I was accepted as a judge in 1980..that's 33 years behind the table.
I have bred Burmese, Siamese & Persians and 18 years ago introduced the European Burmese to CFA with foundation stock coming primarily from Australia and Denmark.
I have judged extensively in CFA and around the world for many different associations. I have sat on the CFA Board of Directors as Southern Regional Director from 1990 to 1998 and currently serve as a member of the CFA Judging Program Committee as administrator for all guest judging assignments and judging trainees from Japan and the International Division.
Cheryle U'ren
I have been a member of the Feline Control Council of Victoria since it’s inception in 1962. I was first licensed to judge in 1965.
Over the past 47 years I have gained broad experience with judging appointments throughout Australia and New Zealand plus Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, USA, Europe, South Africa, Indonesia, Japan, United Kingdom, Taiwan and many parts of China thus gaining valuable knowledge into international variations of standards of cats.
I am an FCCV and CCCofA National Tutor and Examining All Breeds judge and am involved in lecturing and conducting of Judges Seminars for both organisations.
Over the years I have shown my preference for breeding and showing top quality Persians in Solid, Himalayan and Marked colours and more recently Singapuras.
I am currently serving as President of the FCCV plus holding positions on many sub-committees relating to judging, breeding, showing and standards matters.
I am a regular FCCV delegate at our national Cat Co-Ordinating Council of Australia’s conference since the FCCV became a member, and am privileged to be serving at this time as ILO. I believe strongly in the principle of such a group and am proud of the unity that exists within from all the Member Bodies.
I am honored also to be currently serving as the Vice President of the World Cat Congress. It is a great privilege to represent the CCCA as this level and exchange ideas with such knowledgeable and enthusiastic delegates from the major international Feline organisations. |
Connie Webb
My passion for cats began at the age of six (a very long time ago) when I was confined to bed with rheumatic fever. My mother, being a very wise woman, gave me a tiny stray rescue kitten to care for so I would stay in bed and have limited activity until the inflammation had improved. Guess what? It worked! This beautiful little ball of fluff was a semi-longhair torbie (which of course I didn't know at the time) but with her glorious colors and pattern I decided to name her Paprika.
The first purebred pedigreed cat to own me was a blue point Birman. I totally fell in love with their magnificent blue eyes, golden-hued coat, intelligence and sensitivity to human emotions. I knew this was the breed I wanted to work with and over the years was fortunate enough to be entrusted with six Birmans imported from the United Kingdom. One of these Birmans was a seal lynx point girl that I believe was the first of her pattern to come to the States. Some of the other breeds I have worked with are the Cornish Rex, Maine Coon and Longhair Scottish Fold. For many years I also did a lot of rescue work and rehoming of once feral cats.
Sometimes handling a beautiful cat will give me goose bumps or make me shiver or else reach so deeply into my heart and soul that it brings tears to my eyes. They are such precious little creatures and I feel so honored and privileged to be able to handle them. For the brief time they are on my table, I think of each one of them as my own cat so deserving of love and respect. What an incredible experience that is.
Traveling around the world and meeting people and seeing all the different wonders has become very special to me. It makes me feel like I have family no matter where I go. I love talking and teaching about cats and listening to the dreams and aspirations of young people. TICA is my family and I feel very blessed to be able combine those things I hold most dear to my heart - people, cats and travel.
I have been a TICA judge for twenty-one years; served on the TICA Board of Directors for six years; was 2011 Judge of the Year and am a Judge of Merit.
Hisako Yamada
TICA Distinguished Judge
TICA Approved Allbreed judge
Licensed in 1983
TICA School/Ring Instructor
Licensed in 2007
Breed Experience
British Shorthair
Born in Nagoya, Japan
Reside in New Mexico, U.S.A. Since 1987 |