Claddagh Cats - an in-conjunction CFA and TICA Cat Show
    March 30-31, 2019  - Holshauser Building - NC State Fairgrounds

Saturday, March 30, 2019 - hosted by Midlantic Persian and Himalayan Fanciers (CFA)
Sunday, March 31, 2019  - hosted by Vision Cat Club (TICA)


On Saturday, March 30, 2019, Jill Archibald, CFA Agility Chair, will serve as Ringmaster for a CFA -scored agility ring.. Come enjoy the fun of Feline Agility!

Exhibitors showing cats in the Saturday show are welcome to compete for a small fee.  See the show flyer for more information. 
The 5 best cats and their handlers will be given awards at the conclusion of the show on Saturday.

Time will also be available for you to work with the Ringmaster so you and your cat can learn the skills to become an agility champion!

Don't have a cat you think will run?  Are you a spectator and  want to try the sport of Feline Agility?  Well,  you can!   Cats who are used to running ability will be available for you to give the sport a try.  Yes, that's right - you can try agility with a "loaner cat"!

But that's not all!  

On Sunday, March 31, 2019 there will also be a Feline Agility Fun ring!  Since Sunday is not a CFA show, this ring will not be scored for CFA agility awards, but that doesn't make it any less fun!  As on Saturday, our top-5 competitors will be given awards  at the conclusion of the show.

If you participated on Saturday you are welcome to join us again on Sunday if you have an entry in the Sunday show.  Too shy to give it a try on Saturday?  Come join us on Sunday - even if it's just to practice.

If we haven't enticed you enough to the world of feline agility,
 here's a little Tonkinese kitten trying out a "toddler-size" agility set!

Caught you smiling!