AllCats Cat Club
TICA Cat Show
Show Sponsors
Show Vendors
Interested in vending?
Spectator Information
International Participants
World Cat Congress

Interested in vending the show?
ALLCATS is excited to be hosting the next World
Cat Congress Annual Meeting, and we would like to invite you to join
us! In conjunction with the meeting, a TICA cat show will be held
March 8 & 9 at the Miami Airport Convention
Center, in Miami, Florida. The show will include judges from the major
cat registries around the world, and is expected to attract a great
deal of spectators and exhibitors.
To secure a vendor space, your reservation must be
received no later than February 15th, 2014.
You can reserve a vendor booth by mailing the attached
Vendor Agreement and payment to the Vendor Coordinator, or using the
online information and form below. Reservations will be taken on a
first come, first served basis. Book early -- we have limited space
We hope that you will consider participating in
our show! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact
Sue Hansen alchemycats@yahoo.com
(phone: 904-641-1809) - vendor coordinator.
- Vendor spaces are offered in single (10’ x
10’) and double (10’ x 20’) booths.
- Booth space is available on a first come,
first served basis upon receipt of payment.
- The vending area is not draped. You may bring
your own partitions and fixtures if desired.
- Tables are available for $30 each. Chairs are
available at no additional charge.
- Electricity is available throughout the hall;
please bring an extension cord. The hotel charges $55 per outlet, plus
7% tax. We will attempt to group vendors to share outlets where
Reservation Terms &
- To reserve a booth, mail the attached
Vendor Agreement and payment to the Vendor Coordinator, or use the
online information and form below, no later than February
15th, 2014 . All payments are nonrefundable
(except prepaid excess electrical fees). A fee of $39.00
plus bank fees will be assessed for any returned checks. PayPal is
available (pay to ALLCATS2014@gmail.com). Check payments should be made
out to "ALLCATS".
- Each vendor must provide at least
one raffle gift with a total value of $25 or more.
BOOTH Setup & Show Hours
- You may set up your booth on Friday, March 7th
from 11am-5pm.
- All vendors must remain open for business
during advertised show hours (9am-5pm Saturday & Sunday).
- All vendors must confine themselves to the
space assigned. Any expansions/relocations
will be subject to additional fees. No relocations, load-in/load-out,
or storage of items will be permitted during advertised show hours.
Security, Insurance &
Vendors must be self-insured against breakage,
lost or stolen items. The show hall will be secured, however neither
ALLCATS Cat Club nor Miami Airport Convention Center is responsible for
loss or damage.
The State of Florida Department of Revenue
requires that all individuals and companies doing business be licensed
in the State of Florida. This license must be displayed in the vendor
booth for both days of the show. If you are not currently registered
with the State of Florida, cost is $5.00 and takes about 15 minutes.
See their website: http://dor.myflorida.com/dor/eservices/apps/register/
Sales tax must to be charged for all sales and
sent to the State of Florida within 30 days after the show. The
Miami-Dade County sales tax rate is 7.0%.
Vendors receive a FREE
business card ad in our show catalog and our spectator’s guide, and
receive exhibitor discount rates for additional paid advertising. All
advertising must be “camera ready” and received no later than 6:00
PM, Saturday, February 15th, 2014.
SHOW HOTEL: Doubletree
Miami Airport & Convention Center, 711 NW 72nd
Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33126 305-261-3800 (www.DoubletreeMiamiMart.com).
Room rate is $129 with a $75 REFUNDABLE pet deposit, regardless of how
many nights you stay. Deluxe rooms are $25 additional, and suites are
$75 additional. Rates are good from 2nd March through 13th March, and
you must mention ALLCATS to get this rate. This rate is available until
February 2nd, 2014. You can reserve by calling the hotel directly or
toll-free at 888-353-1995, or email reservations@doubletreemiamimart.com.
There is a 72-hour cancellation policy (you will be charged one night’s
stay if not cancelled before 5 p.m. three days prior to your arrival
date). Self-parking fee is $7/night, valet parking is $12/night.
Friday will be the WCC Open Meeting, including renowned speakers on
topics of worldwide interest to cat enthusiasts. There will be a
reception afterward, and an informal dinner on Saturday evening. The
WCC Executive Meeting takes place on Monday, and is open to the public
unless they go into a closed session to cover confidential subject
matter. We also plan to arrange some tours for our exhibitors &
other attendees before and after the show weekend.
SHOW HOURS: Exhibitor
check-in will be from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. Saturday. Judging will begin
promptly at 9:00 a.m. both days. Advertised show hours will be 9:00
a.m. - 5:00 p.m. both days. Please plan to remain open for business
during advertised show hours.