AllCats Cat Club
is proud to host the
2014 World Cat Congress
7 March 2014 - Seminars and Reception
8-9 March 2014 - TICA Cat Show
10 March 2014 - World Cat Congress Meeting



   AllCats Cat Club
      Fund Raising



   TICA Cat Show

   Show Sponsors

   Show Vendors

   Spectator Information

   International Participants


   World Cat Congress

   Contact Us






We want you - to be a member!

To be successful we need to build a strong nucleus of active members. This is absolutely the time for our TICA family to work together towards a common goal. With that in mind, we are offering two membership levels. We want and need members who will be a vital part of the event – no matter where you might reside.

The two membership levels are full membership ($50 per person) as well as associate membership ($25 per person).

Payment can be made by PayPal sent to

Checks/money orders need to be in US Funds drawn on a US banks made out to "AllCats" and mailed to:

Rene Knapp, Treasurer
AllCats Cat Club
15407 Myland Road
Brooksville, Florida 34614

Member name:
Home phone:
Cell phone:
Type of membership: Full Member ($50)
Associate Member ($25)
I can help with: I can help with Fundraising:
I can help with Public Relations:
I can help with Advertisement:
I can help with Donations:
I can help with the Raffle:
I can help with Sponsorships:

I can help in other ways (please specify):

Any other comments you would like to share: