Vicki Jo Harrison

 Let's Move TICA Forward!
Vicki Jo Harrison for TICA Vice-President
My thoughts for the future

My backgroundMy TICA experienceContact me

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My name is Vicki Jo Harrison and I am seeking your support for the office of Vice-President of  TICA. I have been a loyal member of TICA since 1983 and believe that it is the BEST association in the cat fancy! 

My non-cat life and my cat life intersected with the gift of two red point Siamese while I was in college pursuing my Bachelors degree in education. Education has always been an important part of my life and in such has prepared me for holding the office of Vice-President of TICA. I have held leadership positions in my job such as department head, facilitator, and curriculum coordinator on my campus. I retired in 2013 from 32 years in public education so I am prepared to serve you, full time.

I joined TICA in 1983, when I began breeding red point Siamese, under the cattery name Radiance, which I still use to this day. I have served as breed committee chair for the Siamese, Oriental Shorthair and Balinese breeds and was instrumental in getting the pointed and white division accepted into championship. I have also worked in Siamese rescue, served as chairman of the Feline Welfare Committee, the trainee coordinator in the TICA judging program and I am a licensed Allbreed judge and Ring and School Instructor. I have also served as a deputy regional director for the South Central Region and I am still active in show production with Mission City Cat Club, San Antonio TX, currently holding the office of secretary but have held the office of treasurer so I do understand the importance of working within a budge. I was show manager for the 1998 TICA Annual in San Antonio and most recently the banquet coordinator for the 2008 TICA Annual in Arlington TX.

I believe that TICA should be “All About The C.A.T.S: commitment, action, tradition and service.

C- I am committed to TICA, the membership, and complete transparency through open communication.   I will have an “open door” policy and will always    be available to serve you and your needs and concerns.  

A- I believe TICA should take action and once again focus on feline welfare issues, including legislative issues and topics, the revitalization of TIFF, the exhibitor/breeder mentor program and most important of all, the future of TICA, our Junior Exhibitors program.

T-  Part of TICA’s traditions include our Yearbook, the TREND, our annual awards, both regionally and internationally, with the most important tradition being a Membership Driven Organization. These traditions are paramount to the success of the association.

S- Customer service means more than work done at the executive office. It means that your elected officials are here to serve you.

I am passionate about CATS, TICA and the future of the cat fancy. Vote for me for vice-president and remember IT’S ALL ABOUT THE CATS!