Fate Mays

 Let's Move TICA Forward!
Fate Mays for TICA President

My background My TICA experience My thoughts for the future Contact me

The International Cat Association (TICA) has been the most successful and fastest growing cat fancy  association over the last 35 years.  As an association, we have grown and progressed throughout the world.  We need to continue to encourage growth and progress while making positive changesto keep TICA at the forefront.

Please join me and together we can "Move TICA Forward".
“Fate” Mays became a member of TICA, May 1, 1982, and since that date has always presented a positive image that TICA repre-sents excellence in support of our endeavors, “Future in our world of CATS.”

He has the education, work related experiences, and the integrity that is required to perform as a top executive, in a leadership role, AND as our President. PLEASE remember International exposure is an important factor when selecting a President; Fate has judged in all 13 regions, and is familiar with all regions, the membership and club activities.

Fate has held every position in TICA, from an exhibitor showing top Persians and Abyssinians, to cleaning cages, clerking, ring and school instructor, presently serving as a Judge of Merit, and as an AB Sponsor. He is a master of all club related responsibilities, to include show production, Master of Ceremonies, and has served as Director for South Central Region.

In my humble opinion he is eminently qualified to serve as our president. PLEASE SUPPORT HIM WITH YOUR VOTE!!!

Georgia Morgan

TICA Co-Founder and Past-President (1979 - 1998)