IO Groups
This is the official group meant for all things happening in the Southeast Region! Show advertising is allowed for Southeast shows only. Advertising kittens for sale is not allowed. Please be mindful of other shows prior to yours on the calendar when you promote your show. This group is open to anyone who wants to be involved, all are welcome! |
TICA Florida is a group to help build our region. This group is informative as well as educational. Show posts are encouraged, as well as questions to find answers for you. We support all exhibitors, managers, clubs and anyone who would like to join. Join in group discussions to suggest, or give feedback of any kind as long as you keep it positive. You can vent but please keep it neutral in an effort to find answers. |
This is open for all cat fanciers with the focus on TICA. There is no tolerance for hateful posts. Be polite |
TICA SE Business |
Restricted to TICA SE Region Members only
This group is created for our Southeast TICA members to conduct business. The SE Regional Director will be able to communicate with the SE region members in this group. This group is not for posting show information. Questions regarding TICA SE business can be asked here along with minutes of meetings, reports and other business related to TICA SE region.
Any negative or inflammatory remarks will be removed immediately. Only TICA SE members in good standing will be able to join. Please respect the rules of this closed group. |
TICA SE News |
This group is for all things happening in the Southeast Region! We also welcome all TICA members and people who exhibit in our region. This is the place to advertise your shows, share regional news, wish your fellow member a happy birthday. We encourage respectful discussions. Accusations, bullying, and hurtful remarks will not be tolerated. Advertising kittens for sale is not allowed. No business advertisements that would result in personal gain will be allowed. Please be mindful of other shows prior to yours on the calendar when you promote your show. Please do not share posts from other sites. |
TICA SE Shows |
This group was created for the promotion of all SE Southeast TICA shows. Any SE TICA club, member of a club, officials of a show or any
interested person can post to this group. This group is for the preservation of freedom of speech in promoting shows that are produced in the SE region.
All Thank You's and personal conversations are limited. Future shows take precedence. You may post at any time, but duplicates, continuous posting the same day and personal conversations will be removed. You may list your show in the events section. We encourage posting photos and your creativeness. After the show is over we will delete related posts so that the next show can have time to post.
No inflammatory remarks, no personal targeting, no negatives, no bad words allowed.
No advertising of kittens or cats for sale. Cat show vendors may advertise their products and the shows that they will be attending. All others will be removed from this group.
Please take your personal conversations to your personal Facebook page or club group.
Thank you for your cooperation. |
TICA Southeast Region |
#ticasoutheastnews |
#tica.cats |
Tik Tok
TICA Southeast Region tica_se_region
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