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The "werewolf cat" - The LykoiThe
Lykoi Cat is a natural mutation from a domestic shorthair that has the
appearance of a werewolf. The mutation has occurred in other cats, but
to date, no reports of anyone starting a breed have been made. Our
founding cats come from two unrelated litters. The first litter was
presented to Patti Thomas as a possible Sphynx mutation (which was
later disproved with DNA testing). This litter was born around July
2010. The mother was a black domestic shorthair. Upon receiving the
kittens (a brother, sister, and the mother), DNA testing for the
Sphynx/Devon gene was performed and it was found that they did not
carry this gene. Johnny and Brittney were contacted by Patti
through a mutual friend (Cheryl Kerr). We were immediately fascinated
by the appearance of these cats. We were very excited to become
involved with learning more about these cats and made arrangements to
go and pick up the kittens and their mother so further testing could be
done. Since we live in different regions of the United States this was
a bit of an adventure, but the kitties were great travelers! Soon after
Brittney responded to an advertisement that had been sent to her by
Cheryl Kerr about another set of similar appearing cats. When she
arrived to pick them up she could immediately tell that these two
siblings had the same gene as the first pair we had gotten. We see the
second set of siblings as a blessing from God, and after genetic
testing and health evaluation, they were added to the program to
increase the number of cats in the gene pool (these two were born
approximately September 2010). The name "Lykoi Cat" roughly means "Wolf
Cat" in Greek....a very fitting name for these guys!
starting the program Johnny (who is a veterinarian) decided that
testing would need to be done to ensure that we are not dealing with
disease or disorders causing the hair coat appearance. Infectious
disease tests were performed first in his clinic. DNA testing was then
done by UC Davis to confirm that these cats do not carry the
Sphynx/Devon gene (all results came back proving that NONE of the
founding cats have the Sphynx/Devon gene). We also performed DNA panels
for genetic disease, color and blood tupe. At the University of
Tennessee, dermatologists examined them for any skin abnormalities (and
they too fell in love with these cats!). Along with biopsy samples of
the skin, the dermatologists could find no reason for the coat pattern.
What they did find is that some hair follicles lacked all the necessary
components required to create hair (which is why Lykoi lack an
undercoat). They also found that the follicles that were able to
produce hair, lacked the proper balance of these components to maintain
the hair (which is why Lykoi do molt and can become almost completely
bald from time to time). Our cardiologist also performed cardiac scans
to look for any structural problems with the hearts. In the end, we
found that the cats are healthy and the hair pattern is not from any
known disease or disorder. It was determined that it was indeed a true
natural mutation and the Lykoi breeding program began! September 14th,
2011 we welcomed the first kitten from a Lykoi to Lykoi Cat breeding.
have noticed that the black colored cats express the pattern of the
werewolf cat more dramatically so we are focusing on only producing
solid black cats that have the gene. Since their parentage is domestic
shorthair (no known pedigreed cats have been involved) we are
outcrossing using only black domestics. This is being done to broaden
the gene pool and ensure healthy kittens. Although the founding Lykoi
and subsequent outcrossing has all been done here in our cattery in
Tennessee, we have now placed breeding Lykoi with breeders in the USA,
Canada and France. We are also keeping in contact with two geneticists
that are working on discovering more about this unique gene!
Lykoi went before the TICA Board in 2012 and we were passed to
"Registration Only" status. Every board member accepted the Lykoi, so
we were passed with no objections! We are now a "recognized" breed with
TICA. We now just have to increase the number of Lykoi born so that we
can reach the next step in becoming a Championship show breed. But we
are well on our way and hope to reach full Championship status in 2016!
Click here for a People Magazine video of this new cat breed.