2020 has been a challenging year for all of us
and we are thankful to be able to bring our cat fancy
family back together for a smaller,
more intimate, yet socially-distanced show.
Come join us for a celebration of thanks for good health, good friends, and good felines!
Al Walbrun - AB
Debbie Lopeman - AB
Chris Unangst - AB
Stephanie Smith - AB/JE Ring
Pajama Party Night!
Come in your PJs and fuzzy slippers and show your cats in comfort!
| Saturday
Marilyne Gregg - AB
Robin Austin - AB
Brenda Russo - AB
Laurie Patton - AB
Robin Higgins - AB
Toni Scarboro - SP
Kim Chenault - SP
Rick Hoskinson - SP
| Sunday
Barbara Ray - AB
Toni Scarboro - AB
Kim Chenault - AB
Rick Hoskinson - AB
Raffle Coordinator
Terri Harris
If you have items you would like to donate, please contact Terri

Note: A one-time $10 per exhibitor Covid19 charge will be assessed to help defray the costs of having to limit our show entries. Any additional donations to the club will be greatly appreciated.
As always, $1 per entry will be donated by the club to the Southeast Regional fund.
PayPal payments can be sent to volcatclub@aol.com.
Early Bird - through September 30, 2020
One entry - three days - benched in a double cage - $100
Three entries - three days - benched in two double cage - $275
Regular Show closes Friday - November 13, 2020 6:00 p.m. EASTERN time FIRM (or until 175 entries are received or when no more space is available)
One entry - three days - benched in a double cage - $160
Two entries - three days - benched in a double cage - $240
Three entries - three days - benched in two double cage - $320
Additional entries - three days - benched in a half cage - $75
One entry - two days - benched in a double cage - $135
Two entries - two days - benched in a double cage - $185
Three entries - two days - benched in two double cages - $300
Additional entries - two days - benched in a half cage - $60
Show Services
Extra 1/2 cage - $25
Grooming space (LIMITED) - $40
Double sales cage (LIMITED) - $40
End of row benching (free for handicapped) - $15
Marked catalog (sent by email only) - $10
Catalog Advertising
Full page - $20
Half page - $10
Business card - $5
TICA show flyer (single full page) - $15
"Leaves of Thanks"
Instead of sponsorships we want you to share what you are thankful
for... For a $20 donation we will display your thankful thoughts
throughout the showhall and print them in the catalog.
Social Distancing Requirements: Due
to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic, Volunteer Cat Club will enforce the
following social distancing requirements. These may be expanded,
or relaxed, depending on CDC, state, county, or city requirements at
the time of the show.
- The show will be closed to the public all days.
- Anyone with a temperature of 100
F or above, and those traveling with them, will not be allowed in the
showhall. Temperatures will be taken at the door so plan extra
time at check-in EACH DAY.
- Everyone must properly wear a mask according to CDC guidelines (must cover nose, mouth, and chin) while in the showhall
unless actively eating/drinking and in a stationary location (benching
area, ring, or other designated area). Anyone not wearing their
mask correctly will be reminded of this requirement and those
continuing to not wear a mask correctly will be asked to leave the
showhall. Masks WILL NOT be provided by the club. Please bring your own that meets the requirements.
- Rings will be located in the side
rooms of our showhall. Marks will be
placed on the floor where exhibitors can stand to watch
judging/finals. If space is not available, please move out of the
ring. Please be considerate of your fellow exhibitors.
- Moving the rings out of the main
showhall space will allow additional space for benching. Even so,
we will be limiting entries to a maximum of 175 entries, or until we
have no more space available. Benching spaces will be left empty
between exhibitor benching spaces and will be marked off as not to be used.
These spaces cannot be used as grooming or additional cage
spaces. Anyone found doing so will be asked to vacate the not to be used spaces. IMPORTANT:
For those needing benching as close to the rings as possible, doing so
will be difficult for us to accommodate this year since the rings will
be in separate rooms. However, we will make accommodations
to best of our abilities.
- There will be NO concession
at the showhall. Please plan on bringing your own food.
There is a Kentucky Fried Chicken in the parking lot and a Cracker
Barrel and Krispie Kreme donuts next door as well.
Show format/scoring: This
show is licensed and will be scored as a back-to-back show. That means
Friday will be scored as one show, Saturday as second show, and Sunday
as a third show. However, the Saturday show will be judged in two
separate sessions – 4 judges judging in the morning and 4 different
judges judging as the first rings complete. We are doing this since we have
reduced entries and are only setting up 4 rings in the showhall to
allow for social distancing. IMPORTANT:
Splitting the judging in this way DOES NOT make the show an Alternate
Format show. For example, if your cat only meets the points and
finals requirements to supreme after the Saturday morning judging, a
"best" final on Saturday afternoon will not count for the supreme since
Saturday is scored as a single day.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to either of the show managers.
Show Hall: Our show
hall is the Evergreen Lodge and Convention Center which is located in
the parking lot of our show hotel. The address is: 4010 Parkway,
Pigeon Forge, TN 37863. The show hall is heated and air conditioned.
There is no smoking in the showhall. There will be no concession
service available at the facility so please plan on bringing food and
Hotel Information:
Evergreen Lodge and Convention Center, 4010 Parkway Pigeon Forge TN
37863. Call
the hotel directly at 865-453-1823 and tell the front desk you are with
Volunteer Cat Club (group code VCC). Hotel rates depend on days
booked and room type:
Standard 2 queen beds
November 19: $50 per night plus tax
November 20-21: $70 per night plus tax
November 22: $50 per night plus tax
3 queen bed suites
November 19: $65 per night plus tax
November 20-21: $95 per night plus tax
November 22: $65 per night plus tax
Please be sure to confine spraying males (and females!) and clean up
after yourself and your cats so we will be welcome here again. CATS
Pigeon Forge, TN has other pet friendly accomodations as well including
a Red Roof and a LaQuinta. The club has no rates with these
Accessibility: Evergreen Lodge and Convention Center meets ADA accessibility guidelines for ramps, elevators and wheelchair accessible facilities.
Airport Information:
The closest major airport to Pigeon Forge is McGhee Tyson Airport in
Knoxville, TN (TYS). Airlines serving TYS are Allegiant, American
Airlines, Delta, Frontier, and United. Contact show management
(Stephanie Smith) for transportation information from the airport.
Entry & Payment Information: All
online entries must be paid prior to the expiration of those fees
otherwise you will be responsible for the fees at time of payment. Make
checks payable to Volunteer Cat Club and mail to Vanadis Crawford, 209
Hillstone Drive, Raleigh, NC 27615-4911. PayPal payments can be sent to volcatclub@aol.com.
All payments at check-in must be EXACT CASH only. No substitutions
after closing. No refunds for failure to bench. Check your confirmation
for accuracy and contact the entry clerk with any corrections BEFORE
Check in & Show Hours: Check-in
Friday will be 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm. Judging will begin promptly at 2:00
pm on Friday and will run until the rings complete. Check-in on
Saturday will be from 6:00 am to 7:30 am and show hours will be 7:30 am
to 6:00 pm Saturday. Check-in on Sunday will be from 7:30 am to
8:30 am and show hours will be from 8:30 am to 1:00 pm. All
exhibitors must have a personal temperature check-in EACH DAY per the
social distance guidelines above. Other than show committee, no
one will be allowed in the showhall prior to the published check-in
times. No cats may be left overnight in the show hall.
Since there will be no public visiting the show, you are free to leave
when your classes have completed their judging and finals.
Benching and Supplies:
A single cage space (22"x22"x22") is provided for each cat entered. Two
(2) kittens or one (1) cat are permitted in a single cage space. Double
cages (22"x22"x45") are available upon request for an additional fee of
$25. Since single width “wire” cages are unavailable, if you are
bringing your own cage, even if only a single width cage, you must
purchase a double cage space. A grooming space is the same size as a
double cage space. Special benching requests will be honored to the
best of our ability. Benching will be done to observe social distancing requirements (see above). For
your cat’s comfort, the top, sides, and bottom of the cages must be
covered. Vending from the benching area, unless prearranged with the
club, is prohibited. Litter will be provided, but please bring your own
litter box.
Grooming spaces: Grooming spaces are the same size as a double cage space and measure 22 inches x 22 inches x 44 inches.
Registration: To
show a cat in a TICA show your cat might need to be TICA registered or
eligible for registration. All cats shown in the following
classes must be TICA registered to be entered in a show: Preliminary
New Breed, Advanced New Breed, and New Traits. All cats shown in
the Kitten, Championship, and Alter classes must be TICA registered or
eligible for registration. If not registered, proof of
registration eligibility is required to enter the show. Contact
the entry clerk for more information on how to enter your cat, kitten,
or alter without at TICA registration number. Household
Pets and Household Pet Kittens do not need to be TICA registered to
compete. However, to be scored for TICA titles and
regional/International awards, all cats (other than household pet
kittens) must be registered by their second show. Please contact TICA
for registration forms and information (TICA, P. O. Box 2684,
Harlingen, TX 78551). If you are not sure how to enter your cat,
please contact the Entry Clerk for assistance.
Kittens: Kittens
entered in the show must be at least 4 months, but less than 8 months
of age on the day of the show. Altered kittens are eligible for entry.
Health: It is
strongly advised that all cats or kittens entered or present in the
show hall be inoculated before entry by a licensed veterinarian against
feline panleukopenia (formerly known as feline distemper or feline
infectious enteritis), feline rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and rabies.
It is also strongly recommended that cats and kittens be tested and
found negative for FeLV before entry. Any cat or kitten from a house or
cattery where there has been fungus or any infectious or contagious
illness within 21 days prior to the opening date of the show is
ineligible for entry and/or exhibition. Any cat which is obviously
pregnant or lactating will be disqualified. All claws (front and back)
must be clipped prior to judging. Declawed cats are eligible for
competition, although this practice is not sanctioned. This is a
non-vetted show.
Cats for Sale: Kittens
must be three (3) calendar months of age. Proof of age must be provided
on request. No kittens or cats may be confined to carriers during show
hours. Any person disregarding these rules will be asked to leave the
showhall. Sales cages will only be available for individuals with
entries in the show.
Clerks/Stewards: If
you are interested in clerking, please indicate so on the summary
sheet, along with any judge preference. TICA licensed clerks will be
given preference and judge requests will be honored to the best of our
ability. TICA certified clerks will be compensated $30 per day plus
lunch and a fully marked catalog. You will be compensated at the end of
the show on the day you clerk. Stewards are also needed. They will be
paid $20 per day. Please let us know on the summary sheet if you have
someone available.
Junior Exhibitors: There will be a Junior Exhibitor's ring on Friday night judged by Stephanie Smith.
Awards: Awards will be presented in accordance with TICA Show Rules. This show is scored for TICA Regional and International awards.
Show Rules: TICA
Show Rules will be strictly enforced. By entering all exhibitors agree
to abide by the decisions of the Judges and Show Committee. Official
Show Rules can be obtain for $7.00 from TICA, P.O. Box 2684, Harlingen,
TX 78551 or online at https://tica.org/resources/our-association/rules-regulations/file/166-show-rules.
Liability: No
watchman will be provided during non-show hours. Cats cannot be left in
the show hall overnight. Volunteer Cat Club will take reasonable care
to safeguard the personal property of exhibitors; however, neither the
club, its members nor the Evergreen Lodge and Convention Center will be
liable for any loss, damage or injury to exhibitors or to their cats.