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2007 Southeast Regional |
July 14-15, 2007 ![]()
Show Hotel
Inn Airport
Clerks & Show Managers Chris
Unangst & Vanadis Crawford SHOW HALL: Our show hall is the Kerr Scott Building at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds. RV parking is available at the fairgrounds for a fee. All other parking is free. SHOW HOTEL: Our show hotel is the Sleep Inn located at 5208 New Page Road, Durham/Research Triangle Park, NC 27703. The hotel is located approximately 15 minutes from the showhall and provides free shuttle service to and from the airport. The Sleep Inn has offered us a rate of $65 a night plus tax (single, double, triple, or quad) including free continental breakfast. Although the hotel does not have a restaurant, there are a number of other hotels and restaurants in the vicinity. Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Reservations must be made by calling (919) 993-3393. Mention the group name First in Flight Cat Club when making reservations. Reservations must be made by July 2, 2007. Note: There are a limited number of non-smoking rooms available. Reserve early if you want a non-smoking room. As of 6/20/07 all non-smoking rooms have been booked. A limited number of smoking rooms are still available. If you call the show hotel and they no longer have rooms available, click here for a list of alternate accomodations. SHOW HOURS: Saturday check-in will be 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. Judging will start promptly at 8:30 a.m. each day. Advertised show hours Saturday are until 4:00 p.m. and Sunday are until 4:30 p.m. In consideration of our paying spectators, no cats may be removed from the show hall before the end of advertised show hours without show manager’s permission. No cats may be left in the show hall overnight. TRANSPORTATION: Raleigh/Durham International Airport (RDU) is the most accessible airport. The airport is approximately 2 miles from the show hotel and approximately 12 miles from the show hall. The show hotel provides free shuttle service to and from the airport. RDU is serviced by most major airlines including American, United, Delta, US Air, Northwest, Continental, AirTran, America West, Southwest, Air Canada, and Jet Blue. Located in the heart of North Carolina, Winston-Salem, NC is also easily accessible from I-95, I-85 or I-40. SHOW RULES: TICA Show Rules will be strictly enforced. Rosettes will be awarded in accordance with these rules. By entering all exhibitors agree to abide by the decisions of the Judges and Show Committee. Official Show Rules can be obtain for $7.00 from TICA, P.O. Box 2684, Harlingen, TX 78551. BENCHING AND SUPPLIES: A single cage (22x22x22) is provided for each cat entered. Two (2) kittens or one (1) cat are permitted in a single cage. Double cages (22x22x45) are available upon request for an additional fee of $25. Special benching requests will be honored to the best of our ability. For your cat’s comfort, the top, sides, and bottom of the cages must be covered. Vending from the benching area is prohibited. Litter will be provided, but please bring your own litter box. CATS FOR SALE: Kittens must be three (3) calendar months of age. Proof of age must be provided on request. No kittens or cats may be confined to carriers during show hours. Any person disregarding these rules will be asked to leave the showhall. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: This is a non-vetted show. Cats showing signs of ear mites, fleas, fungus, or any other illness will not be permitted in the showhall. All entries should be immunized against feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and feline enteritis, and should test negative for feline leukemia and feline AIDS. Any cat or kitten from a house or cattery where there has been fungus or any infectious or contagious illness within 21 days prior to the opening date of the show is ineligible for entry and/or exhibition. Any cat which is obviously pregnant or lactating will be disqualified. All claws (front and back) must be clipped prior to judging. Declawed cats are eligible for competition, although this practice is not sanctioned. REGISTRATION: With the exception of Korats, registration with TICA is not necessary to compete in the cat’s first show, but is required for confirmation of titles and scoring for TICA Regional and International Awards. HOUSEHOLD PETS: HHPs over the age of 8 months of age must be spayed or neutered. HHPs are judged in 10 divisions. If you are unsure of your cat’s color or division, please send a color photo of your cat, along with your entry. Your photo will be returned at check-in. KITTENS: Kittens entered in the show must be at least 4 months, but less than 8 months of age on the day of the show. Altered kittens are eligible for entry. BEST OF THE BEST: Top-three best of the best cats, kittens, alters, HHPs, and HHP kittens will be recognized at the conclusion of the show. Additional special awards will be offered. SHOW THEME: Our show theme is "Christmas in July". The best three cages exemplifying the show theme will be recognized with special awards. PHOTOGRAPHER: We are pleased to have Helmi Flick as our show and banquet photographer! Information on her beautiful photography can be found on her web site. If you have questions for Helmi she can be contacted at Helmi encourages you to sign up in advance if you would like a photography session. Contact her at her email address for a sign-up form. REGIONAL AWARD BANQUET: The 2007 Southeast Regional Awards banquet will be held Saturday, July 14, 2007 at the Marriott in Research Triangle Park. The Marriott is located approximately 1.5 miles from the Sleep Inn. Click here for more details on the banquet. ICAT - CAT AGILITY: It's a cat playground, where your cat can stretch his legs and relax and de-stress between judging rings. No charge whatsoever for practice -- a small fee of $5 to register for the tournament if you get a good timed run, a clean run, or earn a skill certificate, plus a one-time registration fee of $10. But all payments may be made AFTER your cat participates, if you wish the certification. Your cat will then be registered as an International Agility Cat and you will receive a certificate suitable for framing after the tournament. Your cat may surprise you -- cats quickly learn they are on an agility course with their people, and follow your lead around the course, over jumps, through the tunnel, and over and around obstacles. Of course, cats are cats, and some take to ICAT more readily than others, but it's great fun learning what your cat is willing to do. Almost all cats enjoy trying the course. Click here for more information on iCAT. LIABILITY:
First in Flight Cat Club, the Sleep Inn, the Marriott at Research
Triangle Park and the North Carolina State Fairgrounds will not be
held liable for injury, loss, or damage to cats, exhibitors, or property
of exhibitors or vendors, or other such persons or property in attendance. Click here for a printable version of this flyer All entries sent via this web site agree to the following: