Summary Sheet

Please use the following form to tell us how many entries you are entering, the cage space you need, and any extra show services you want.

CAGE SPACE: Remember, each entry automatically gets 1/2 a double cage. Our 3-entry specials include an extra 1/2 cage automatically giving you two full double cages to bench your three entries. Be careful that you do not order an odd number of cages. Also, if you are bringing your own cages you MUST have full double cage spaces for each cage or tent you are bringing.

If you have any questions on this form or on entering the show, contact us at

Benching Request
(Only one (1) benching or agent request will be honored)

Check here if you are bringing your own cages (See CAGE SPACE note above)

Check here if you are coming to the New Years Eve party at the show hotel


$1 per entry Southeast Regional Fund donation is included in all entry fees.

All payments received after 12/20/2009 12/28/2009 will be assessed a $20 late payment fee.

Early bird fees must be paid by early bird closing dates to qualify for discount. Once the early bird date has passed, fees owed will be automatically increased to the next payment rate.


SUPER EARLY BIRD (Must be RECEIVED by September 30, 2009)  
3 cats/3 days, catalog & double cage--$293 $
individual cats/3 days, first entry includes catalog --$95 $


EARLY BIRD (Must be RECEIVED by October 31, 2009)  
1st Entry--all three days--including catalog--$106 $
Additional Entries--all three days--$99 $
1st Entry--Saturday/Sunday--including catalog--$80 $
Additional Entries--Saturday/Sunday--$75 $


Regular (Must be RECEIVED by December 18, 2009 December 23, 2009 6:00 p.m. Eastern or when full)  
1st Entry--all three days--including catalog--$115 $
Additional Entries--all three days--$105 $
1st Entry--Saturday/Sunday--including catalog--$85 $
Additional Entries--Saturday/Sunday--$80 $


Special (Must be RECEIVED by December 18, 2009 December 23, 2009 6:00 p.m. Eastern or when full)  
3 cats/3 days--includes catalog and extra 1/2 cage--$315 $


Additional Catalog--$10 each $
Marked Catalog--$20 each $
  End of Row--No charge for handicapped--$15 $
Extra half cage (each entry includes one half cage)--$25 $

Grooming Space/Double Sales Cage--$45

NOTE: A limit of 20 grooming spaces/double sales cages will be sold. Requests will be taken on a space-available basis after 20 are sold.


Advertising (Must be camera ready, 8.5"x11" landscape format. Ad must be received no later than December 18, 2009 December 23, 2009)  
Full page show flyer ad--$10 $
Other full page ad--$45 $
Half page ad--$25 $
Quarter page ad--$15 $
Business Card ad--$10 $



For a ring sponsorship indicate your preferred judge. For all sponsorships list how you would like your sponsorship to read and, if desired, the URL you would like linked to the show Web site.


Ring Sponsorship - $75 ** NO LONGER AVAILABLE **

Preferred judge:

How you would like sponsorship to read:

URL to link:


Gold sponsorship - $75

How you would like sponsorship to read:

URL to link:


Silver sponsorship - $50

How you would like sponsorship to read:

URL to link:


Bronze sponsorship - $25

How you would like sponsorship to read:

URL to link:



Donation to show and ribbon fund - thank you! $
  Donation to Southeast Regional Fund - thank you! $


Notes to Entry Clerk:

Summary Sheet to Entry Clerk - please do this before clicking Pay Now

Summary Sheet to all blanks

If button does not work for you, go to and send your payment to