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Field of Dreams Cat Club "Purrfect Love" February 19-20, 2011 |
Show Hall
Show Hotel Holiday Inn, Crabtree Valley
Information/Vendors Vanadis Crawford Entry Clerk
SHOW HALL: Our show hall is the Holshauser Building at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds. The show hall is heated. Parking is free. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed on Fairgrounds property. A concession service will be available during show hours. RV OVERNIGHT PARKING: The North Carolina State Fairgrounds allows RVs to stay on property for a fee. For information on RV access, see http://www.ncstatefair.org/facilities/rvaccess.htm or call (919) 612-6767 or (919) 821-7400. SHOW HOTEL: Our show hotel is the Holiday Inn, Crabtree Valley, 4100 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27612. The hotel is located approximately 5 miles from the showhall and provides free shuttle service to and from the airport between 7:00 a.m. and 10:30 p.m. The Holiday Inn has offered us a rate of $69 a night plus tax (single, double, triple, or quad). They have a full service restaurant serving breakfast, lunch, and dinner and also a full service bar. Check-in time is 3:00 p.m. Reservations must be made by calling (919) 782-8600 or 1-800-HOLIDAY. Mention the group name Field of Dreams Cat Club when making reservations. Reservations must be made by February 11, 2011 to guarantee this special rate. The hotel has waived all pet deposits, but you will be required to sign a release at check-in stating you will be responsible for any damages to the room caused by your cats. Please give a good impression of our TICA family by leaving your room as though no cats were ever in it. IMPORTANT: Only rooms booked in the block will have the pet fee waived. If you book outside the block or through some other service to obtain a different rate, you will be charged any pet deposits in effect at the hotel at the time. ACCESSIBILITY: The Holshauser Building and Holiday Inn meet ADA accessibility guidelines for ramps and wheelchair accessible facilities. SHOW HOURS: Saturday check-in will be 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Judging will start promptly at 9:00 a.m. Saturday and 8:30 a.m. Sunday. Advertised show hours Saturday are until 5:00 p.m. and Sunday are until 4:00 p.m. In consideration of our paying spectators, no cats may be removed from the show hall before the end of advertised show hours without show manager�s permission. No cats may be left in the show hall overnight. TRANSPORTATION: Raleigh/Durham
International Airport (RDU) is the most accessible airport. The airport
is approximately 5 miles from the show hotel and approximately 12 miles
from the show hall. RDU
is serviced by most major airlines including American, United, Delta,
US Air, Continental, AirTran, Southwest, Air Canada and Jet Blue. IMPORTANT: See the show hotel information for the hours the free shuttle runs to and from the airport. No free transportation is available to or from the showhall. The hotel is contracted to provide transportation for our judges. Exhibitors trying to "catch a ride" with the judges' shuttle can affect our judges getting to the show on time which can affect the show schedule for everyone. If you are flying to the show, we strongly suggest arranging carpooling with other exhibitors or obtaining a rental car. Taxi service is also available. SHOW RULES: TICA Show Rules will be strictly enforced. By entering all exhibitors agree to abide by the decisions of the Judges and Show Committee. Official Show Rules can be obtain for $7.00 from TICA, P.O. Box 2684, Harlingen, TX 78551 or online at http://tica.org/members/publications/shw_rules.pdf. BENCHING AND SUPPLIES: A single cage (22x22x22) is provided for each cat entered. Two (2) kittens or one (1) cat are permitted in a single cage. Double cages (22x22x45) are available upon request for an additional fee of $25. Since single width "wire" cages are unavailable, if you are bringing your own cage, even if only a single width cage, you must purchase a double cage space. A grooming space is the same size as a double cage space. Special benching requests will be honored to the best of our ability. For your cat�s comfort, the top, sides, and bottom of the cages must be covered. Vending from the benching area, unless prearranged with the club, is prohibited. Litter will be provided, but please bring your own litter box. CATS FOR SALE: Kittens must be three (3) calendar months of age. Proof of age must be provided on request. No kittens or cats may be confined to carriers during show hours. Any person disregarding these rules will be asked to leave the showhall. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS: This is a non-vetted show. Cats showing signs of ear mites, fleas, fungus, or any other illness will not be permitted in the showhall. All entries should be immunized against feline rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, and feline enteritis, and should test negative for feline leukemia and feline AIDS. Any cat or kitten from a house or cattery where there has been fungus or any infectious or contagious illness within 21 days prior to the opening date of the show is ineligible for entry and/or exhibition. Any cat which is obviously pregnant or lactating will be disqualified. All claws (front and back) must be clipped prior to judging. Declawed cats are eligible for competition, although this practice is not sanctioned. REGISTRATION: With the exception of cats competing in the Preliminary New Breeds, Advanced New Breeds, and New Traits classes, registration with TICA is not necessary to compete, but is requried for confirmation of titles and scoring for TICA Regional and International Awards after the cat's first TICA show. HOUSEHOLD PETS: HHPs 8 months of age and older must be spayed or neutered. If you are unsure of your cat�s color, please send a color photo of your cat, along with your entry. Your photo will be returned at check-in. KITTENS: Kittens entered in the show must be at least 4 months, but less than 8 months of age on the day of the show. Altered kittens are eligible for entry. VENDORS & CLERKS: Those interested in vending or clerking the show should contact Vanadis Crawford. BEST OF THE BEST: Top-three best of the best cats, kittens, alters, HHPs, and HHP kittens will be recognized at the conclusion of the show. SHOW THEME: Our show theme is �Purrfect Love�. The best three cages exemplifying the show theme will be recognized with special awards. SPONSORSHIPS: Be a show sponsor! All sponsorships will be acknowledged in our catalog and on a sign in the showhall. Ring sponsors will be acknowledged with a sign in the ring, on the ring awards, and will be announced when we introduce our judges. Available sponsorship levels are: Ring sponsor: $50, Gold sponsor $40, Silver sponsor $30, Bronze sponsor $20. All donations are greatly appreciated. LIABILITY: Field of Dreams Cat Club, the Holiday Inn, and the North Carolina State Fairgrounds will not be held liable for injury, loss, or damage to cats, exhibitors, or property of exhibitors or vendors, or other such persons or property attending. PRICES: