First in Flight Cat Club thanks everyone for their sponsorships!
CareyCats Cattery Compadres Cat Club, El Paso, TX Central Jersey Cat Fanciers Fatpet Awards ForestKatz Norwegians - From the Heart of Texas ForestWind Siberians The International Snowshoe Cat Association Jay & Ron Davis - Kremlincats Kitty Charm Persians Peachtree Purrfect Paws In honor of Larry Paul In honor of LA SGC Angelsark Liza Skinnelli Minghou & Pengar Catteries P-ear-adise Selkirks & British Shorthairs von Becknell Cattery, El Paso, TX Wizardgate Cattery - Bombays & Sphynx
Hadakat Cattery (quad gold)
Russeller Cattery